The shower sweep is important as it prevents water from leaking out of the shower and helps to keep the bathroom floor dry. It is a rubber or vinyl plastic seal that attaches to the edge of the shower door to seal the gap between the shower door and the floor. The strip at the bottom of a shower door is typically referred to as a shower sweep or shower door threshold. What is the strip at the bottom of a shower door called? Let the caulk dry according to package instructions and the new trim should be in place. Once the trim is secured in place, apply a few drops of caulking along the edges and smooth it with a putty knife. Use a few small screws to secure the trim to the wall.
To install the new trim, start by setting the trim onto the wall. Replace the trim with the same trim or one that is compatible with the shower doors. Then, carefully pull off the trim, being careful not to break it. To remove the trim, first use a screwdriver to remove any screws securing the trim to the wall. To start, it is important to remove the trim carefully and find the proper size and style for the replacement. His Web address is shower glass trim can be done relatively easily, although it is best done by a professional. Questions may be sent by email to: Or, mail to: 4710 W.

Mike Klimek is a licensed contractor and owner of Las Vegas Handyman. If yours does not have this feature, you can put a dab of caulk at the end to stop a spray of water (or chemicals) from arcing across your floor. As a backup, you may want to install three small self-tapping water-resistant screws (like galvanized or brass) through the drip edge into the door.įinally, some drip edges have a stop built in at the swinging side of the door. Apply a second small bead of caulk at the top of the drip edge where it meets the door and smooth it with a wet finger. If you have this type of drip edge, apply a bead of clear silicone caulk to the back lip of the drip edge and push it back into place. I don’t particularly like sweeps that are secured with caulk only because they seem to work themselves loose quickly. These sweeps are likely to be held in place with silicone caulk. Some types of drip edges have a groove that the sweep slides into. If the sweep needs to be replaced, buy a new one at a home improvement or plumbing supply store and sandwich it in between the door and drip edge (you may have to trim it). To adjust the sweep, loosen the screws (don’t remove them), and pull the sweep down evenly so that it just touches the bottom track of the shower. If your drip edge is held in place with screws, this job is easy. It will probably be a little wavy, but that’s OK. The drip edge and sweep are usually held in place with a couple of screws, but I have seen them held in place with silicone caulk or even double-sided tape. The sweep can be adjusted or replaced to eliminate this gap. Often, the friction from opening and closing the door will cause the shower sweep to recede up into the drip edge, leaving a gap for water to splash through. The sweep typically rubs against the bottom track of the shower. The nice thing though is that it’s permanent. You know how when you open the door from the inside of the shower you sometimes have to push a little harder than normal? That extra effort pushed all those chemicals on the carpet, leaving a rainbow arc of discoloration. The chemicals worked their way down to the drip edge. Well, I got a little lax on squeegeeing the glass after a shower so she bought some chemicals to spray on the glass to leave a streak-free surface.

Now, my wife is a cleaning fanatic who goes ballistic if there is even a drop of water on the glass, so she bought a squeegee. The sweep attaches to the inside bottom of the door and has a drip edge to direct water back into the shower, and a rubber sweep on the bottom of the door to keep water from splashing out. Like many people, I have a glass shower door with a sweep on the bottom of it. How can I prevent the water from leaking out?Ī: Most of the complaints I hear about leaking shower doors are that they leak from underneath the door (like yours). My neighbor came over and said it looks like my shower door is missing a part at the bottom of it. Q: I have a problem with water creeping under my shower door when I shower.